ROUNDDOWN 函數 - Excel 將 3.14159 無條件捨去至小數點後三位 (3.141) =ROUNDDOWN(-3.14159, 1) 將 -3.14159 無條件捨去至小數點後一位 (-3.1) =ROUNDDOWN(31415.92654, -2) 將 31415.92654 無條件捨去到小數點左邊兩位數 (31400) 適用: Excel 2007
MS Excel: ROUNDDOWN Function (WS) - Syntax The syntax for the Microsoft Excel ROUNDDOWN function is: ROUNDDOWN( number, digits ) Parameters or Arguments number is the number to round down. ... Applies To The ROUNDDOWN function can be used in the following versions of Microsoft ...
ROUNDDOWN - Excel - Office - Microsoft Rounds a number down, toward zero. Syntax ROUNDDOWN ( number , num_digits ) Number is any real number that you want rounded down. Num_digits is the ...
ROUNDDOWN 函數 - Excel 本文將說明 Microsoft Excel 中 ROUNDDOWN 函數 ...
ROUNDDOWN的用途及用法(Excel) - Excel表格下載,Excel函數教程,Excel圖表和VBA視頻學習 - Microsoft Excel excel 資源下載首頁 excel教程下載專區 excel函數、VBA、技巧視頻教程 excel函數學習資料 ... 語法: ROUNDDOWN ...
ROUNDDOWN 函數- Excel - Office - Microsoft 本文將說明Microsoft Excel 中ROUNDDOWN 函數 (函數:接受值、執行作業並傳回 值之預先撰寫的公式。使用函數可以簡化並縮短工作表上的公式,特別是執行冗長或 ...
excel 高手請入 - Yahoo!知識+ Excel內既搜尋功能輸入round, 就會透過Microsoft Office Online搵到有關round, round up同round down既用法說明同例子. 我係度只較握要咁講講三者既分別, 希望你較容易掌握:-語法 [應用] : =round(數字,位數) [係指定位數, 將數字4捨5入]
Excel ROUNDDOWN Function - Excel Functions and Formulas Excel Rounddown Function - Rounds a Supplied Number Down to a Specified Number of Decimal Places - Function Description and Examples ... number-The initial number. num_digits-The number of decimal places to round the supplied number to. Note that: a ...
Excel 2007 ROUNDDOWN Function - Rounding Numbers The ROUNDDOWN function, one of Excel's math functions, is used to round a number downwards towards the next lowest number. This tutorial includes a step by step example of using Excel's ROUNDDOWN function.
ROUNDDOWN函數的語法 - Excel表格下載,Excel函數教程,Excel圖表和VBA視頻學習 - Microsoft Excel excel 資源下載首頁 excel教程下載專區 excel函數、VBA、技巧視頻教程 excel函數學習資料 ... ROUNDDOWN(number,num_digits) Number 為需要向下捨入的任意實數。 Num_digits 四捨五入後的數字的位數 ...